Winchester Model 52A Sporter ... Bolt and Safety Problem

Copper BB
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:40 pm
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:05 pm
I have a small problem with a Sporter.

When the bolt is cycled and put into battery the bolt does not hold far enough back for the Safety to be flipped up and rest in front of the bolt cap as it should to restrict firing.

The bolt needs to travel back another 1/32nd to maybe 1/16th to give the safety clearance to rotate into place.

Has anyone out there had experience with this and can enlighten me as to to the fix? The bolt just needs to travel back this small distance and hold there.

Or could someone point me toward a person with the expertise to enlighten me or even to fix the problem themselves? In the middle of a restore on the gun. H E L P ... P L E A S E !!!

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