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Antlered corrosion

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:41 pm
by tmdltim
The gold receiver on my Antlered has corrosion where it meets the wood. How to remove? Thanks

Re: Antlered corrosion

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:14 pm
by noeqplease

I use M-Pro-7 gun cleaner with a medium nylon brush.
If it is really bad, I use a brass brush, very lightly though.
Afterwards, I completely clean off the M-Pro-7 and put on a light coat of Ballistol for lubrication and protection.

You do need to watch with a magnifying glass, if possible, as you do this, to see if the corrosion has gone through the finish. If so, you'll need to take it to a professional, rather than risk damaging your gun's finish permanently.

Good luck!