The Primary Goal of Winchester Owners forum is an objective and intelligent discussion of their respective topics, so as to foster creativity, innovation, and at the very least, learning. We wish to create a forum community that prides itself on thoughtful and useful discussion with statements backed up by fact or well-argued opinion (as opposed to an opinion based on or driven by, angst, hearsay, ignorance, individualism, politics, propaganda, resentment, zealotry, and similar entities).
While we welcome people of all skill levels and backgrounds into discussions, we are particularly looking for high-quality non-mundane content. Please be sure to read the "Rules And Guidelines" below. Note that besides overall rules, each forum may have an additional, specific set of rules and guidelines.
The Secondary Goal of Winchester Owners forum is to provide not only an internet community but to unite our members for the greater good. There are goals set in place to host "Winchester Owners Events" with the motivation to raise money for various charities (diabetes, breast cancer, etc). These events will be directed by the Winchester Owners staff but will rely heavily on our community to be successful.
The Tertiary Goal of Winchester Owners forum is to provide a place for interactions between customers and vendors to help drive production and modifications of products to better suit the needs of the users.
The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.
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These terms may be changed at any time without notice.
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Forum Rules And Guidelines
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"Rules And Guidelines"
I. POSTING RULES **Note: Rules of conduct apply to all posts and all profile fields of your user account, including, but not limited to username, user title, web site, avatar, signature, location, or any other informational field that is available for edit in your personal profile. While the Administrators and Moderators of Winchester Owners forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the Administrators, Moderators or Webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable. You agree not to post or link to any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, and sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the Webmaster, Administrator and Moderators of Winchester Owners forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the Webmaster, Administrator and Moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. Winchester Owners does not filter your words because we do feel that our members can act like adults. Please understand there is a difference from stating your personal feelings of a group, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, or background versus that of a sports fan's comments about an athlete. BASIC RULES 1) Flaming : Do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member or guest. Debates are fine, but argue with the point, not the person. 2) Trolling: Do not come to this site with the purpose of starting a dispute. Note that a person disagreeing with your opinion is NOT trolling; keep it civil, even if you're sure the other person is wrong. Anything seen as trolling will result in you being banned. 3) Spamming: Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not mass-Conversation (Formerly known as Private Messages/PM) or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message. This includes "bump threads" and posts intended merely to increase one's post count. Worthless posts with no content and nonsensical posts eat up space and waste everyone's time. These are not allowed on any of the forums. 4) Offensive Posts, Links or Images: Do not use profanity, racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs, or post, or any other offensive material. This includes but not limited to: We have members from different countries, religions, backgrounds. Even if you express a point of view that is very popular in your culture, it may generate a negative reaction from members in another part of the world so please exercise tact. 5) Advertising: Posting of advertisements for products or services, links to auctions, affiliate links, links to promote websites, and so forth is not allowed. If you have a Winchester-related or non-Winchester-related website, you may include the link to your site in your signature ONLY. The signature option is limited to only personal websites. Links to commercial or business-related sites are not permitted in signatures. 6) No Disclosure of Personal Information: Do not disclose yours or any other member's email, real name, address, phone number, IP address, or other personal information. This includes the posting contents of emails and Conversations (Formerly known as Private Messages/PM) without the sender's consent. Do not bring personal disputes into the forums. Bans and warnings issued to other users are considered personal information. 7) Misleading Titles: The subject line of the post should be as informative as possible about the content of the post. This also reduces duplicate posts. 8) Duplicate Posts: Check the first 2 pages of the board before posting and make sure someone has not already done a post similar to yours. Duplicate or similar threads are subject to being merged or closed at the discretion of the Moderator. 9) Libel: Any posts libeling anyone or anything. If you do a link to a credible media source must be posted to support such claims. Other forums and personal websites are not credible. 10) Claiming to be a Public Figure: If you are one and wish to post as such, contact an Administrator for verification. Such public figures include professional athletes, celebrities of any media, and/or political figures. 11) Playing the Role of Moderator: You're not a Moderator so don't correct Members like one. If you have a problem with a post, use the "Report" button at the bottom of a post, rather than playing the parent. More often than not, that causes more problems than it fixes. Let us handle what is ours to handle. 12) Attacking/Disobeying the Moderators: If you disagree with something the Moderators did, fine, disagree and let us know, but do it politely through the Conversation Option (Formerly known as Private Messages/PM) or email. Dancing around the rules, purposely skirting them just to see us twitch will not help you out much, either. *On the same note: No posting on behalf of someone who's banned. That will probably get you banned, too. The idea of being banned is that they're no longer a part of this online forum community and are no longer allowed to interact here. No making threads that give glory to banned people. It's not a violation to mention them in passing but no threads that focus on them. Prohibited threads include "What banned member do you miss/would you bring back?" type of threads. They're banned; don't give them that attention. If a Moderator gives you specific instructions in a warning, and you blatantly disregard it, you are subject to being banned. 13) Discussion of Illegal Drugs: Discussion of illegal drugs should be kept within academic or newsworthy limits only. "How to" discussions and "I'm so stoned" posts may result in repercussions ranging from a warning to immediate and permanent banning, depending on the previous history, the context of post and nature/content of the post. 14) Forum Specific Rules: Please check the sticky threads at the top of each forum for any forum specific rules. 15) One Account per User: Multiple accounts are not permitted. If you have a good reason for needing more than one account, contact an Administrator and ask for permission. 16) Thread Hijacking: Taking a thread off-topic to pursue one's own agenda. 17) Shouting: Please do not use excessive use of Capitol Letters or Large Fonts. 18) Ban Circumvention: The actions of trying to get around a certain ban that has been put on you such as registering under a new e-mail, username, or IP address will not be tolerated. This will result in a permanent ban on all levels and contacting your Internet Service Provider. 19) Abuse of Report Bad Post: Multiple reports per thread, duplicate or frivolous reports will be deemed abuse and subject to warning. Every report is addressed. Please do not report something more than once. 20) Ignorant Trouble Making: If you are thought to be causing trouble by a Moderator, you will be removed from the forum. This includes leading another poster into a thread or “Board Trap” where one member tries to make the other one snap by messaging them or subtly suggesting something that would cause one to argue back. Our staff is fair and if they pass judgment that you are here to cause problems, you will be removed. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. We have had enough problems here in the past and would like to operate in a civil manner. This is a publicly run website and will be treated like that for the members. These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us. ripjack13
When posting, understand that you're trying to communicate with others. Although we have several members that aren’t fluent in English Winchester Owners forum is an English language forum. So here are some important guidelines on this: 1) Write in English. 2) Always do a quick check for spelling/grammar mistakes. 3) Format your post in an easily legible manner. Use the preview button often. 4) Be concise and articulate as much as possible. 5) Use enter for paragraphs. 6) Capitalize Correctly. All uppercase or all lowercase is hard to read. 7) Use correct punctuation. Avoid run-on sentences. 8) Try to avoid a lot of “text speak”, “netspeak” or slang. The purpose of language is to be understood, not to sound cool. 9) Never invent acronyms, use as few acronyms as possible. If you are unsure of Acronym or Initial that has been posted we have a topic you may browse to familiarize yourself with them here --> ... ials.1360/ 10) Read your post over before posting it. Try to catch typos and correct them. 11) Please check to see if a topic is already posted. Do not post multiple topics on the same subject. 12) Post topics in the appropriate forum. III. SIGNATURE RULES 1. Anything deemed unsuitable for the public at large will be removed. This includes any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). 2. NO images over than 250x400 pixels. 3. NO animation within the signature block. 4. Rules on disciplinary action for infractions will be enforced. (See also V. 3 strikes rule below.) 5. NO Posting of advertisements for products or services. NO links to auctions, affiliate links or links to promote websites, and so forth. The signature option is limited to only personal websites. Links or picture/ads to commercial or business-related sites are not permitted. If you have a Mossberg-related or non-Mossberg-related website, you may include the link to your site in your signature. 6. Administration has the final word on any ruling. If you fail to follow these guidelines your signature will be removed. If a removed signature is replaced with another infringing signature, the offending member is within grounds of having their posting privileges temporarily suspended. Note: Signature guidelines are enforced to help keep bandwidth costs down and improve the viewing experience for all members. Remember: Members are here to post -- not to observe and endlessly scroll past large and/or annoying signatures. IV. AVATAR GUIDELINES NO images over 50 kilobytes or 90 x 90 pixels. (If you are unsure if your image qualifies, right-click on it and select "Properties" from the menu -- the size will be available there.) If you fail to follow these guidelines your avatar will be removed. If a removed avatar is replaced with another infringing avatar the offending member is within grounds of having posting privileges temporarily suspended. Note: If you wish to upload your avatar to the server, please note that your avatar must be less than 50 kilobytes in file size or the server will not upload it. V. THE THREE STRIKE RULE If you violate one of the rules and/or the staff feel that you have: The 1st step is to remove your posting rights for 24 hours from when a staff member has put the block on your posting rights. You will receive a Private Messages/PM as to why this has happened and your warning meter will increase. Only staff and yourself can see this meter so no one else will no what your level is at or why you have gotten blocked for 24 hours. The 2nd step is to remove your posting rights for one (1) week. The 3rd step is to remove your permanently from the community. I trust my staff and am behind them 100%. Do not try to appeal it with me via Private Messages/PM. I have received enough Conversations in the past. If you don't want to be banned or blocked, then don't break the rules that were made by the members when this board started. Major offenses will not be tolerated. While we do have the Three Strikes rule in effect here, such offenses can warrant a user immediate termination from the forums. If the staff member believes that you should be removed from the community for the good of the community, you will be. Don’t cause trouble and you will be fine. VI. REPORTING BAD POSTS To report a post that violates the rules click on the Report option at the bottom of the post and give a brief description of the rule being broken. Be specific in your report. DO NOT USE THE PRIVATE MESSAGING FEATURE, email, or post in the Forum Discussion board to report offensive posts. Usage of the Report feature is the only acceptable and most efficient means of reporting posts that violate our rules. All reports are kept confidential. You will not be contacted regarding your report. Whatever action is taken, if any, will remain confidential. VII. PRIVACY POLICY This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one). These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us. ripjack13
**Is posting of private emails, Private Messages/PM, chat logs, or Instant Message logs ok? ONLY if you have the consent of the other party(s) involved in the communication in question. Posting of Private Communications without the consent of the other party(s) involved is reason to have your forum membership terminated and to be banned from the forum. This also applies to any private Conversation (Formerly known as Private Messages/PM) which are to or from the sites' staff whether they be posted here or elsewhere. In some places, posting of such communications without consent is considered illegal. **Why are threads closed? There are many reasons why a thread is closed. The most common reason is that the thread has evolved into heavy bickering, name calling or other childish behavior. Personally attacking other members of the forum is unacceptable and may result in an individual warning to the members in question, which may ultimately lead to banishment from the forum. If the thread has racial slurs or other derogatory comments it is subject to closing. If there are other threads already on the same topic, it may be merged or closed .. depending on the situation. If the thread is exhausted, or repeating the same arguments over and over and seeming to have reached its limit, it may be closed. If the thread is posted in an 'Instigating' or 'Flaming' manner it may be closed. If you see a thread that you feel is unacceptable or out of control you can use the "Report" link in the bottom Left hand corner of each person's post. If multiple members of the forum suggest to a Moderator or Administrators (in private) that they feel the thread should be closed, it may be discussed among the Moderators and ultimately closed. If a Moderator or Administrator addresses a thread such as these with warnings to refrain from continuing in a harsh or unacceptable manner, and the warnings are not acknowledged, it is their job to close the thread. Please do not start new threads asking why a thread was closed. Use the Private Messages/PM or email a Moderator. **What do I have to do wrong to get immediately banned from the forum? There are many reasons why you may be removed from the forum. If you register on this forum solely to say negative things about the Mossberg Firearms or other members of the forum, you will be immediately banned. If you register on this forum solely to advertise your website or sell merchandise, you will be warned and may be ultimately banned. If you have been warned by the Administrators or Moderators on more than one occasion to not personally attack other members of the forum, or for any other reasons, and do not agree to comply, you may be banned. If you were previously banned from this forum and attempt to register or post again, you will be immediately banned. If you personally attack a Moderator or Administrator in a harsh manner, you may be banned immediately. Intentionally disrupting a forum by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information and/or hoping to get a rise out of people.( Those perpetrators are known as "trolls"). You may be banned immediately. **What constitutes a post or thread worthy of being closed, deleted, or edited by the forum moderators? Anything that is a personal attack (by personal attack, we also include yawns, roll eyes, etc. that are directly intended to annoy, and are used excessively). Topics that are dragged on or 'bumped' up for no legitimate reason or to start a fight and or get a rise out of members...etc. Cross-posting your topic in multiple forums is not allowed. Please just choose one forum to post your topic. Anything that is "inappropriate" (overly sexual, excessive profanity, etc) Anything that is defamatory towards another site, person, or organization. *Please note - Threads are closed at the discretion of the moderators, for any reason they see fit. Please contact the Moderator or Administrators via the Private Messages/PM or email them if you have a problem with thread closure. These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us. ripjack13
IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN WITH 30 DAYS AND POSTED 30 MESSAGES MAY LEAVE ADS. 1. Include your country of residence in the title, even if you are willing to sell outside that area. Within the post, please provide an indication of where you live. 2. Specify the currency you are selling in. 3. Post pictures, where applicable, in the original post. 4. Please list any extras or accessories you will include in the transaction. 5. State the acceptable method(s) of payment. 6. Please state if shipping/insurance is included in the price. Also, state the method of shipping you are proposing. 7. Mark SOLD by locking the thread 8. All Thread titles should include one or more of the following abbreviations in the TITLE: WTS = Want To Sell WTT = Want To Trade WTB = Want to Buy If you sell only to certain continent, country or trade area, please state that in the title, e.g.: For Sale (UK) Winchester 1873 For Sale (US) Winchester 1873 It is always helpful to your fellow members to have your actual location listed either in the thread or in your member profile. DOUBLE-CHECK THAT ALL FACTS AND PRICES ARE CORRECT, AND THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED PHOTOS AND ALL RELEVANT INFO. MAKE ALSO SURE THAT YOUR EMAIL IS WORKING AND THAT IT IS ENABLED IN FORUM'S USER CONTROL PANEL. If your topic has been locked and you want to have it unlocked, providing you have met the requirements, you may use the Private Messages/PM to contact one of the Winchester Owners forum Moderators and they will assist you. These terms may be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us. ripjack13
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